Chocolate Mint Rooibos

from CA$6.00

Ingredients: Rooibos, peppermint, cocoa powder, calendula petals

This blend was made because it is a classic. It still took some experimentation to get it just right: do I use mini chocolate chips? Cocao nibs? How do I make it sweet enough?
Well, rooibos has a sweet flavour profile, so I used a lot of it for the base of the blend. Just the right amount of peppermint for the cool freshness. Lots of calendula petals for a smooth texture (and oh how they are strange to work with: so fluffy that they always float to the top and need lots of convincing to spread throughout the mix!). Then finally I opted for cocoa powder to simply spread the chocolate all throughout and the steeped beverage turns out to be like a hot chocolate.

The cocoa powder why the pictures do not look vibrant but rather dull and dusty. But do not be fooled, for the flavour is simply splendid! Lots of room to add sweetener (maple syrup recommended) and milk (almond recommended) to enhance your experience.

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