Tea Ceremony Energy Transmission

$100 or $175 for two, +$25 for each additional person.
This service is offered by Rachelle starts with a grounding tea ceremony in Chinese gongfu cha style with multiple steeps. We then move into an oracle card reading from Rose oracle for its lovely connections to tea, then finish with Reiki energy healing.
You'll go home with a greeting card as a souvenir of your personal reading to remember your time, as well as a bag of the tea used during the service.

Readings & Energy Work

Prices vary
Specializing in oracle card readings, tea ceremony as a grounding element and Reiki as a form of energy healing. Each of these elements are offered either separately or as a combined whole. Find me at Spirit Fairs or book private.

*readings with a soothing voice
*gentle energy cleansing
*Tea infused aura

Poetry Readings

With a powerful trilogy of poetry books, you can book me to perform at your venue, parties or gatherings. I started taking my poetry very seriously during the pandemic, inspired by my new adventures in Vancouver Island and personal transformation. You’ll find yourself relating to my words, and seeing an essence different from what you’ve experienced before.
Click the button below for a list of upcoming performances, their locations, or book me.